Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tiger Zoo

Mike took some time off after Christmas which gave us some time to do some fun things (besides play with Christmas toys!). One unseasonably warm day (we seem to be having a lot of these this winter!) we took a road trip down to GW Exotic Animal Park in Wynnewood. We had a groupon that we needed to use so it was the perfect timing.

It was a very interesting "zoo" with a lot of cats! They had some other animals to see as well but the majority were cats. I felt a bit mixed about the place because it was tough to see all these animals living in environments that were not very natural (pretty barren large cages). They seemed to try to provide them with some stimulation but their enclosures are not near as nice & naturalistic as our OKC zoo. But they do take in a lot of unwanted exotics who have been abandoned & abused so I tried to feel a bit better about the fact that at least these animals were being fed, given shelter, & cared for. And with minimal funding, I don't think they can afford the high-tech enclosures like the big zoos.

The kids enjoyed looking at all the animals as well and Isabella brought her camera along to take pictures of all the animals. We brought a picnic lunch and enjoyed it in their little picnic area. It was a nice little quick day trip for all.

1 comment:

Always an Adventure said...

Have you been to Tiger Safari in Tuttle? Wonder how it compares. Cam might have his birthday there (Tuttle). Looks like you guys have been having fun! Can't believe Bella didn't want to ride the horse!
