Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jackson's 2 yo well baby check

We had Jackson's 2 year old well baby check on June 20th (which was about a month and a half late). Dr. Morrow said that Jackson was looking really great & healthy. (We are really thankful to not have had any illnesses in a while!)  He measured above average on developmental things including speech.  Jackson did super well for his exam and was very cooperative. He even answered Dr. Morrow's question about where he slept saying, "mmmm bed".  And she could hardly believe that sometimes Jackson is mean! As far as his stats go, it appears our little Jackson is a little short. :) Maybe he'll take after my Dad with short legs. ;o) He weighed in at 30lbs 2 oz which is about the 75% and his height is 34 1/4" which is about the 25%. His head was 19 1/4" which is 50-75%.  We're so happy to have such a healthy, growing boy!

Another recent happening in our house is that Jackson is no longer nursing.  We were down to just nursing before nap and nothing would distract him from it! Well, I had a doctors appointment during nap time on the 24th of June so Mike put Jackson down to nap. The very next day when I went to put him down for a nap, he was excited about a new library book that he didn't even mention nursing (normally he points to the chair & says, "me, me" & that is him meaning he wants to sit there & nurse). Day after day it went on this way w/ him wanting to read his books from the library. Then on the 28th he did say "me, me" & point to the chair at nap time but I quickly grabbed a book & said, "don't you want to read this book?" and he did. So he hasn't nursed since the 23rd and I consider him weaned. My belief that gentle child led weaning is the right thing to do is confirmed again with Jackson (confirmed for the first time with Isabella just before she turned 2). I was slightly doubtful b/c it didn't seem like he was ever going to give it up but it really had to do with when he was ready.


Laura said...

That's really great that he has weaned himself. It's amazing how that works. Maybe he will catch up later on the growing?

Leslie said...

yes, it is amazing how it all happens in regards to weaning if you let it! I don't know... with him being so low on the percentile I'm thinking he might just be short but we shall see!
