Monday, August 17, 2009

Jackson is 3 months!

Jackson turned 3 months on July 30th! I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone & how big he is! He is no longer my little baby! :( I weighed him on our scale at home & he is 16lbs at 3 months! He has more than doubled his birth weight!!!! So I don't really need to state that he is eating well. He eats so well that mommy's sleep suffers. ;) He has gone 3-4 hrs without nursing but often times he wants to nurse after just 2 hrs.

Jackson can hold his head up really well now & sit up when propped up against something. He loves to smile & laugh. As you can see in the pics, he has found his hands & likes to knaw on them. He lost all his hair to craddle cap but I'm hoping all the new hair I see growing will come in fast!

Sleeping isn't ideal- he sleeps pretty well but most of it is in the swing & the rest is in the bed with me! I tried to get him to sleep in the crib shortly after he turned 3 months & he slept there for 2 hours but then would not go back to sleep so he went back into his swing. One of these days we'll transition!

Isabella still loves being a big sister & always asks me to pump so she can feed him out of a bottle. But then when I finally do she gets tired of feeding him after about a minute. (And in that minute Jackson isn't getting much milk b/c she does not have very good aim with the bottle!) But she is full of smiles & kisses for him & is anxious for the day he can play with her. Won't be long...
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1 comment:

Leah said...

jackson looks a lot like mike! i love that we have one of each to resemble us and our husbands. even though my daughter looks more like matt and william looks more like me! oh well... that's how it works out! love 'em!
