Monday, August 17, 2009

Isabella took swimming classes this summer. A friend told us about a lady (Jennifer) who teaches swim classes out of her home pool. Isabella was a couple weeks shy of three but Jennifer let her be in her level one class (beginner class) instead of the mommy & me class. She teaches the class without floaties in the shallow end of her pool. Isabella was not tall enough to touch the ground in the pool so she stayed on the stairs when waiting for her turn to practice the swimming technique. At first I wondered if Isabella would want to come back because she was quite nervous & the teacher was pushing her to do things that I knew she wouldn't have done for us. But she did them & without tears! She was also in this class with kids up to age 5 or 6! We were so proud of what a big girl she was in the class! (Mommy was a bit sad, but happy at the same time!) When we got home the first night Isabella was very excited about the class & was anxious to go back the next day. We'll definately do these classes next summer!
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