Tuesday, January 10, 2012

October 2011

One of my New Years resolutions is to stay more on top of putting pictures up on the blog. Hopefully I can stick to it! For awhile, it's going to be catch up time. ;o)

We had fun carving pumpkins... this is Jackson's Yoda pumpkin (no carving involved) & Isabella's scary pumpkin that isn't quite finished. We had to go out & buy a little baby pumpkin for this vampire pumpkin to eat. Nice, huh? She picked it after looking at many many designs online. I really cannot wait for the day to come when the kids can wield their own knives & I can sit back and watch. Carving pumpkins isn't easy! (Thanks to Mike for partly rescuing my design for Isabella's pumpkin.)

Here are my additions to Halloween... my pinterest inspired Halloween table/wall & my pinterest inspired wreath done with my MOMS club. They both were lots of fun & added a fun halloween feel to the house. (LOVE pinterest.com for loads of great ideas on ANYTHING!)

We took our annual trip to the Parkhurst pumpkin patch up in Edmond. Always lots of fun! The kids always enjoy the petting zoo (farm animals), tire swings, hay ride, & I personally enjoy the hammocks. If only the kids would relax in them with me long enough to catch a nap. ;o)

Jennifer invited us over to paint pumpkins. The kids had a lot of fun! (My niece Caitlin did too!)

Mike did a rappel group for my nephew Brendan & his homeschool/church friends. We came out for the day to hang out & enjoy Red Rock Canyon. Isabella & my nephew Cameron took Jackson & I on a wild goose chase... I mean a treasure hunt through the canyon but unfortunately I didn't end up with any treasure for my efforts. Carrying Jackson up & down those steep rocks can really wear you out! But the kids enjoyed it & I guess I got a good work out in. :)

The kids enjoyed dressing up for Halloween and actually got to do it twice... once to go over to grandma & papa's & once to pass out candy at the house. I'm still not a big fan of them going around to neighborhood houses & getting lots of crazy horrible candy that I'd just end up throwing out... seems like such a waste! So we stick with the semi-bad-for-you candy (because after all it is sugar-laden stuff!) and keep it to a minimum. The fun for the kids really is getting dressed up and seeing everyone else in their costumes. Candy is just a little bonus to the celebrations. 

So Isabella chose to be a Zombie this year after browsing a Halloween catalog & deciding a child zombie looked the most scary. I did try to point out all the super cute princess costumes at Target but she wasn't having any of it. So we made her costume ourselves out of some thrift store PJs, tattoos (which were really cool & actually looked pretty realistic), & make-up. She made a pretty good Zombie.

Jackson wanted to be Yoda and so my nephew, Cameron, loaned us his costume. He makes a pretty cute Yoda, I will say so myself. :) And also pictured in the collage below is my niece, Taelyn, in her mermaid costume. 

I think that about wraps it up for October! The kids (mostly Jackson) were sad to see it go but thankfully we got to hang on to our non-carved pumpkins for another month. 


Always an Adventure said...

Hey, I like the new look to your blog! Great pictures too!

Leslie said...

Thanks, Jenn! My old blog background disappeared so I had to find another one... and then ended up redoing nearly everything to match. I still ended up with this black see through panel down the middle & can't figure out how to get rid of it. Ah well.... maybe another time! We need to get Cam back his yoda costume!

Mom said...

Good job Leslie!!! Nice looking blog....
